Monday, September 27, 2010

5 loves on monday

Monday loves.
Hope they put a smile on your face like they did mine. :)

1. etsy loves

like this adorable print that i want soooo badly. found here

and these cute little owl magnets! found here

and this cute yet funny card. i want it soo much! found here

2. this site/ store my friend Katie has created.
her handmade goodies are drool worthy and i cant wait to buy like one of everything for Christmas gifts (for my friends and family....and me....). Plus she's doing it to raise money so she and her husband can have another child.
Katie is by far one of the sweetest and most creative gals I know. I love her and this craft idea. So go check out all her cute goodies NOW. :)

3. an awesome giveaway from janel to win this beautiful art

4. these peach rings. one of my favorite candies!

5. this e-course by the lovely elsie flannigan.

yes, i signed up and ohmygosh am i glad. it's all about ideas for making minibooks and i think im in love! seriously, if i could marry her work, i would. ha!



  1. I'm lovin' that first print! I am favoriting it so I can remember it!

  2. Love that first print and the owl magnets are so so cute!

  3. I LOVE the print ... and how do we get to your friend's etsy store?

  4. i love the first print and the peach rings!!

    My shop is open :)

    and im having a giveaway over at the blog :) x

  5. So random... but Screech (aka Dustin Diamond) was at the Milwaukee airport this weekend when I dropped my friend off and they chatted in line.

    These all did make me smile- so thanks for that!!

  6. ty- katie acutally is posting her items via a blog (which is linked in the above post) not via an etsy store.

    hearthandmade- ummmm LOVE your store. and im going to check out your blog for the giveaway RIGHT NOW! :)

    ks- that is SO awesome! im a bit jealous. hehe :)

  7. O my golly (yes I just wrote golly) I love those owls. Super cute!

  8. Hooray for the Saved by the Bell card!!!! Awesomeness.


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