Friday, September 17, 2010

day 19 of 30 days of me

day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them:

most of my nicknames are just from my name.....
kellie-nikki, kel-ie, kelliebean (and from that, bean), kellatron (my roommate loves to call me this), kells (or kellz), kellienichole-nicholekellie (because when i was younger i kept changing what i went by and my bffs dad was never sure what to call me), kelbel, smalls (from the Sandlot, one of my youth kids calls me this <3), miss love (from my bosses, because of my "love" tattoo), carebear (from the bf), booger (from the bf), AK (aunt kellie, from my youngest niece).
I think that's pretty much it.... not too interesting I know. ha


  1. Isn't it strange when new nicknames show up?! I never know where they come from everyone has a ton!

  2. I LOVE nicknames - I like that your called smalls - I loved the sandlot growing up!! L 7 weenie - oscar myers even! :)

  3. They like that I call you Smalls! Made my day. <3

  4. i dont!!

    i like smalls.. smalls is a good one.

    I get called Claire Bear..

    or the cleaning nazi
    or the recycling nazi but thats it lol. claire bear is the most popular

  5. I nominated you for the Sunshine Blog Award!


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