Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday Wishes

1. tons of new moleskin journals.
i've signed up for a bunch of journaling classes and i've also signed up for the upcoming i heart fall class by the lovely janel. so i'm thinking its time to get some more journals- plus these are soooooo pretty. i want one of each!
you can buy it here

learn how to make it here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

2. to finally finish designing and then get my sister tattoo with my beautiful sister. we've been planning to get one for awhile, but couldn't decide on what we wanted exactly. but i think we found the perfect tattoo idea, we just need to finish customizing it for us and then get it!!!! i can't wait. :)
Your turn. What are you wishing for?
Here are Courtney's, Erin's, Karlie's, Katie's, and Liz's wish lists- go check them out :)


  1. I for sure agree with you on the journal wish. Thanks so much for posting Elsie's how-to! I am going to check that out. :) And another wish for today would have to be...Mexican food! I'M CRAVING SOME!

  2. Im wishing for a speedy recovery on my knee. Just got the rest of my stitches out today.
    P.S. The journals are super cute!

  3. I love the tree with a heart journal! So pretty.
    I'm wishing to keep the little puppy we helped rescue.

  4. I'm a sucker for a good journal. Definitely bookmarking Elsie's fabric journal tutorial!

  5. Such pretty journals. I really need to post the photos of the one my mom made me! It's the best. :)

    I'm excited to see what your plans are for your tattoo!!


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