Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Wishes

Happy Wednesday loves!

This week I can't stop wishing for:
1. a chance to go to the next renegade craft fair. my bestie got to go to the chicago one (since she is currently staying there) and said it was awesome. now i'm even more anxious to go!!!!!

2. a paint party

tell me how awesome that would be, right?

3. cds with new music!
a blogger pal of mine sent me a mix cd with some amazing songs, and now i want the artists full albums. too bad i dont have tons of money to buy them all..... but here are some new artists (well new to me....)

(lykke li)

(her space holiday)

(broken social scene)

4. the perfect internship placement.
my application for my Spring internship is due this week. i'm just praying that i get good supervising teachers and a good class. I'm really nervous.....but I'm trusting that it will all work out!
What's on your wishlist this week??
Don't forget about Karlie's, Erin's, Courtney's, Katie's, and Liz's lists! :)



  1. I want to go to Renegade, too. I get the jealousies when I hear about people going.

  2. minus the bear+broken social scene+the helio sequence= awesome.

    my wishlist for the week is that i get to go punting with my hubs on saturday!

  3. I want to go to Renegade sooooo badly. Maybe sometime in the future I will have more than a few dollars to my name :) It would be so fun to do a mix-cd swap. Everone could put like 15 songs on disks and share them!
    I am sure your placement will work out perfectly. I actually had a pretty difficult class and in the end I was so thankful because I felt like it gave me so much preparation.

  4. The Renegade Craft Fair would be awesome to go to, I've seen so many cool pics! I heard Lykke Li's "Possibility" a little over a year ago on the New Moon soundtrack, she's definitely a good artist!


  5. That paint party looks like so much fun!
    BTW, I nominated you for a blog award here:


  6. That paint party looks like so much fun!
    BTW, I nominated you for a blog award here:



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