Tuesday, September 21, 2010

why we walk

This Saturday a few of my friends and I are participating in Jacksonville's annual "Heart Walk". It's a cause that means a lot to all of us for various reasons.
My friend Erica has had serious heart issues all her life. My friend Brittany has a sister (who also is a friend of ours) that has had serious heart issues as well. My reason for wanting to participate is because in 2001 my dad died of Focal Myocardial Fibrosis, a type of heart disease.

This cause if allowing us to bring awareness to how many people are affected by cardiovasuclar diesase as well as raising funds to help doctors and researchers frind a cure or prevention.

I'm actually writing about this, because while I know many of us don't have the funds to give (although, if you do want to make a donation, you can do so here and it would be VERY much appreciated) but because I'm asking for your help in another way.
If you live in the Jacksonville area, come out and join our walk!!! It's only a mile and there is entertainment, and it's a great way to show support.
If you don't live in Jacksonville, just your prayers and kind thoughts would be much appreciated!


  1. Ah, I love the spock cut out!thanks for the link! My computer has a panda on it right now, but having spock on my computer would be way cool lol. :)

    Have fun on your walk!

  2. this is such a beautiful cause! my entire family on my moms side has heart problems! if i lived near you i would totally be right by your side but sending you and all the millions of people who are walking for this wonderful cause uplifting and joyous thoughts!


  3. I always enjoy walking/running for causes. If I were back home I'd consider joining in on the fun, I will pass the word on to my friends and family that are still in the area.

  4. We have walks such as this in our area as well. Good for you for going.

    I gave your blog an award on my blog. Go check it out!

  5. I actually was invited to this by my bestie and plan on going! :) Wonderful!

  6. Aw, Kellie this is such a great cause! I'm so glad that you and your friends are getting together and doing this. You're so sweet and I hope you have a wonderful day on Saturday.

    PS. I received your letter in the mail today! Thank you! :)


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