Monday, October 4, 2010

5 loves on monday (halloween edition)

Hope you're enjoying the Fall/October/Halloween posts so far. :)
here are 5 pretty and pretty awesome things found on etsy. i've been drooling over all of them...

1. these cupcake liners (perfect for a halloween party)!

found here

2. these skull crayons.

found here

3. these pretty decorations

found here

4. this cute purse

found here

5. these adorable halloween themed headbands

found here

found here. (pssst this is the one i bought last year and i still LOVE IT!)

happy shopping!


  1. that little skull one is very cute!

  2. I like the pumpkin headband! too cute!

  3. I am absolutely in love with orange!! This is awesome!!! The pom poms are easy to make too, I made about 10 for my wedding. I'll post pics soon so you can see :) And that orange bag is adorable!


  4. I am absolutely in love with orange!! This is awesome!!! The pom poms are easy to make too, I made about 10 for my wedding. I'll post pics soon so you can see :) And that orange bag is adorable!


  5. aw, what great Halloween-inspired stuff!

  6. Thanks for the love Kel! I am also dying over those pom poms. I keep telling myself that I'm going to learn how to make them... but then I convince myself that I should really be making things out of supplies on-hand. Maybe my Christmas presents will magically have fabulously colored tissue paper I can re-use!


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