Sunday, October 24, 2010

cocoa beach weekend

Last weekend the boyfriend and I went to his hometown to visit his mom and go to their town fair. Sooooo much fun. Fairs are seriously one of my FAVORITE things ever. My weekend was mostly spent:
eating amazing foods like funnel cake, hot dogs, pizza, clam chowder, caramel apples....etc.

and of course TONS of bingo. (no joke. like hours)

Steven also took me to this auh-mazing pizza place. We got the white pizza and wow I am in love!

And Steven's mom and he had this inside joke about her chatty cathy doll....he thinks its creepy, she doesnt. But while we were napping, she left this for us to wake up to.

Creepy yes....but soooo funny. I haven't laughed so hard in awhile. I love her. No lie.

We got back last Sunday night and he met my mom and stepdad. It was perfect. And the weekend was great.

Now it's off to work more on this project.....




  1. Funnel cake is the best!!! Your pictures are so great. And the doll.. that is so creepy. but what a cool mom. :)

  2. the pizza and the apples look totally DELICIOUS.

  3. Looks like fun!
    I was born near Cocoa Beach... :)

  4. So fun! Even the creepy doll. And that project you are working on looks very pretty. In fact, I love it! (And you of course) :)


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