Friday, October 22, 2010

the day i thought would never come

Today I:

-took a cpr class (for the 1 millionith time)

-got a painful reminder of my dad’s death during the heart attack portion of the cpr class (I’ve talked about his death before.... and it’s a gloomy subject I try not to discuss, however knowing that he had heart problems and then died all alone of a heart attack makes me want to burst out into tears. I’m trying so hard not to think about it today, but I just cant stop.)

-had my first (and possibly last) pumpkin spice latte of the season– my stomach just cant handle them anymore :(

-got some bad news about my internship application

-wore my prettiest dress to work with tights (yay for fall weather)

-kept working on some surprise gifts for some special people

***This week has been a weird one and a bit of a heartbreaking one too. It seems like all I’ve gotten lately is bad news and I hate it. Good news, where are you???
On the upside...I do have the best mom and sister a gal could ask for. Seriously.

Happy Friday loves!


  1. happy friday to you too! loving the blog :)

  2. Thinking of you cutest Kellie~ !!
    I'm sorry those memories and thoughts are nearly impossible to forget, I feel that way about certain things with my mom and her days of being sick~ I hate it.
    I am sorry you have had a not-so-good week~ I wish we could hang out and do something fun together!
    Love you~

  3. Be well!
    Dear love!
    the good news is right around the corner..
    Look for it around the corner..
    i see you!

  4. Im sorry to read about the memories and the internship application and nobody likes coffee induced stomach cramps. I get them if i drink coffee on an empty stomach.. they are the worst.

    Im glad you got your craft on and there will be more good times! Chin up chicken :) xo

  5. Kellie .. sorry to hear about all the bad news! Keep your head up! :) I'm sending good thoughts your way

  6. Aww, I want to just reach through the computer and give you an enormous hug!


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