Friday, October 15, 2010

days 29 & 30 of 30 days of me

day 29- in this past month, what have you learned
day 30- your favorite song

Yup, the end. Finally.
day 29- what have i learned? is it sad that this month has flown by so fast i can't even recall most of it? so i suppose i'm kinda ignoring this one.....

day30-favorite song. oy. i think i have a new favorite song every minute. but for right now.... i'm pretty in love with this song.

What song(s) are currently listening to and loving??


1 comment:

  1. i LOVE Mumford and Sons right now.

    i love your "30 days of me" idea. i'm pretty new at blogging and this seems like a good idea if i get stuck.

    have a great day!



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