Tuesday, October 19, 2010

costume ideas

Eek- Halloween is justa little over a week away. I still have yet to find a good costume too. But surfing the net I found some pretty awesome ones..... figured I'd share. So enjoy and hope you get a good laugh out of some!

and of course....the baby/little kid costumes are pretty stinkin' cute too.....
and let's not forget the furry animal costumes! so cute.

So what is your costume idea this year? Are you going traditional (ghost, witch....), funny (gumby, chick magnet), diy, or slutty (you know, the nurse, maid, etc)????
Do share!
(ps all photos found at either weheartit.com or besthalloweenpics.com)


  1. I was a diy Lady Gaga last year and i had an amazing time running around with several plush puppies sewn on my ridiculously short dress, lightning bolt on my face, blond wig, outrageous make up, lace leggins, loved it!

    My friend wore this green outfit last year, whats the name of that creature??

  2. And this year i want to paint my face Dia de Los Muertos style, sugar skull etc. ;)

  3. Haha, these costumes are AWESOME! My favorite has to be the Nutella and spoon- SO CREATIVE.

  4. marta- the green thing is gumby! :) use to be popular in the States in the 90s.

  5. that jack skellington is amazing!! and those animal pictures made me laugh out loud :) i love the cat wig!!

  6. About twice a year I participate in the NYC Zombie Crawl so every year I am a zombie but I do a different theme. Last May I was a Dallas Cowboys zombie (I was rooting for the wrong team, and then I was killed.) This year I am going to be a BP Zombie--business suit and a BP identification badge.


  7. Amazing costumes .... they are beautiful and i want them all .....


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