Friday, October 1, 2010

i love you halloween

It started last year, but Halloween is one of my all time favorite holidays. First Christmas, then Halloween...weird I know. But I love this holiday and even more, this season.
That being said....I decided that I'm going to celebrate my favorite month and season via my blog. This whole month I'm going to be posting every day with diy projects, decoration ideas, fun and cute inspiration posts, food and drink receipes for the Fall, and at least 1 giveaway! I'm pretty stoked, I hope you are too. :) So be sure to check back here everyday for some Fall lovin'!!!


  1. Looking forward to your Halloween posts! I'm pulling out the decorations tomorrow!

  2. I plan on doing the same! I am really aiming for gorgeous decorations! And for some reason I'm all about the sparkles this year =)

  3. Halloween is my favorite! I'd love to contribute something to your giveaways! Maybe help relieve the stress of having to come up with stuff on your own! (Even though I don't doubt you are totally capable of doing this on your own!)

  4. Can you believe it's already October?! I adore Halloween too, so I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  5. It might sound weird but we dont celebrate Halloween in Poland... Bummer! ;/ I totally enjoyed my first Halloween ever last year. I was Lady Gaga (very original, i know :p), i loved it!

  6. just found your blog, and totally in love. are you still doing the pen pal project? if so, please email me <3

  7. I LOVE that photo! Man that girl has got some mad skillz! hehe.

    I'm so excited to see what you do this month!!


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