Wednesday, October 13, 2010

life as of late and GIVEAWAY WINNER announced

I almost feel like I owe someone an apology for my blog status as of late. I've gotten so into celebrating Fall and showing Fall/October/Halloween related posts everyday, that I've let my actual life posts slide. Meaning, my blog seems to be more about Halloween than myself. Not that there is anything wrong with all the fun posts, but the reason I started and have kept up blogging was and is to write about my life, so in later years I could look back. I'll be better about this though.
And to prove this, here are some photos of what's been happening in my life lately.

Last week was my beautiful sister's birthday. I made her a cake (from scratch- my first cake made completely from scratch). It was my favorite kind (better than sex cake, which is chocolate cake PLUS some amazing additions). I couldn't find my birthday candles, so to keep in the Fall spirit I decorated it with Fall cookies. My youngest niece didn't like it so much (she hates halloween and anything related to it.)

This week the boyfriend and I also carved some pumpkins.
Just to clarify, in the photo above, I'm holding his pumpkin and he's holding mine. :)

I learned that I suck at carving pumpkins. To be fair though, I had only done it once before and that was when I was interning in a second grade class. (Smart idea right? The teacher gave me a table of 7 year olds, a pumpkin and a knife.....)
Other than that I have just been trying to catch up on movies, reading (finished one in one weekend!), pen pal writing (pst another sign up is going on NOW if you're interested), and hanging out with friends and family. Life is hectic, but oh so good. And this weekend the boyfriend and I are going to the Fair in his hometown. Can't wait. :)

so I guess what yall have probably been reading this post for......
and now for the first giveaway winner from the Fall giveaway post.......
Amanda from Project Simple Life (amanda, please email me at with your address!)
Don't forget to enter the TWO other giveaways still going on here on my blog.
HURRY before it's too late! :)

now i'm off to eat a sweet treat my step-dad made (pumpkin cheesecake with streusel on top. yum)


  1. You did great for your second time carving!

  2. .i love how ur pumpkin is eating a mini pumpkin! very creative :)

  3. At first I thought you were distancing yourself from his pumpkin, as in "I would never carve this!" haha.... now I realize you're saying HE would never carve that. You're so funny.

  4. I like the big pumpkin eating the little pumpkin!

  5. That cake looks amazing! And I love the pumpkins, haha! Cute! :) Congrats to the winner!


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