Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5 loves on monday (a day late)

okay, so a day late.... but better late than never right?

my list this week:

1. giveaways
like this one found over on janel's blog

and this one on sunshine and carousel's blog

and this one on rockstar diaries' blog

2. british royal weddings.
Okay, so seriously, who hasn't been waiting for the day that these 2 get hitched?

I honestly am excited to see it (even if it is via tv..unlike my bestie, who is living in England and can actually see more of it!). Everyone always talks about where they were to watch Charles and Diana get married and our generation will get to do the same for their son. Can't wait. :)

Oh and Wil & Kate fans....watch this interview! :)

3. This site. Found via another blog today. They have a huge list of songs and playlists for weddings. Not that I am planning a wedding or anything, but it is nice to have some love songs to listen to sometimes.

4. this pretty photo

found here

5. my adorable pups

(above) Aubre. She's a doxie, 6 years old, 10 pounds. The cutest and sweetest little thing (except towards CoCo (below).

(above) Coco. Shely mix, 14 years old (15 in March). We brought her home from the pound in Ft. Lauderdale 14 years ago for my 9th birthday. She was a devil of a pup, but has become so sweet. Right now though, she's struggling with old age though. But she will always be my love, my puppy, the best birthday surprise ever!

Your turn. What's on your list?


  1. Aww love the loves and I am too excited about the Royal Wedding too .. It took them long enough! Have a good day :)

  2. Thanks for the wedding music link! :) I've actually been trying to make my list!

  3. It took them forever to actually get the wedding together! I've been wondering when the big day is cause it seems like it's not going to happen.

    Please follow me??!!

    Marja <3

  4. Yay yay!
    Will and Kate finally getting engaged, so exciting!
    It's funny how relatible William is just because he's the same age... like I feel like I grew up with him, you know?


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