Friday, November 5, 2010

happy guy fawkes day

remember, remember, the 5th of november....

today totally makes me wanna watch V for Vendetta....

Anywho, I was talking with my bestie last night and the subject of Guy Fawkes Day came up. Apparently this guy is still not liked very much...I can imagine why. So every year they burn him in effigy and there are even specific foods they eat (seriously? a holiday that has its own favorite kind of holiday!!!)
Talking with Leigh was just what I needed though. :) It's been over a month since I've had the chance and there have been so many things I wanted to talk to her about. Ugh, if only the Atlantic Ocean wasn't so big! Or if only plan tickets weren't so expensive!

In other news, my good friend from back home is coming to visit today for the weekend. I can't wait!!! I've got so much in store and the weather has finally decided to act nicely. :) A weekend full of old friends and new, movies, country clubs, art walks and festivals, catching up, and laughs. Cannot wait!!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend!!!




  1. Kellie,
    Just wanted you to know how much I value your friendship with Leigh. She told me how much she misses you... your friendship is one of her greatest blessings. I hope you are doing well. Looking forward to graduation soon!
    God's grace and peace...

  2. I am very happy to read this article..thanks for giving us this useful information.


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