Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holiday giveaway!! (CLOSED)

Finally, I can share that secret I've had....
and it comes in the form of a giveaway!! Excited?? Cause I am.

Not only is this an awesome gift (and I know, cause I already bought one for a special someone), but it's to help out the lovely Katie.

Here's the lovely story behind the process (in her words):

Why am I doing this?
First of all, I love to craft and make things that make people happy.
I also love the idea of kids having handmade toys.
The biggest reason though, Josh and I want to have another baby.
I think everyone knows that the process of IVF is very, very expensive. In order to have a chance at getting pregnant again, we need to raise about $6,000. I figured if I love crafting, I may as well give selling my goods a try and everything I make will go towards the process of giving John a little brother or sister.

Her little side project blog is a sweet showcase where she sells some of her sweet goodies. Now's your chance to get one for FREE. But you might also wanna head over to her shop to see what else she's been creating...everything is so adorable! (like the items below):

What you'll win:

A tote bag of your very own. you get to choose the colors (of both the design and the bag..yup it can be dyed too) and how you want it decorated (the sky is the limit).
You finally a tote bag designed exactly how you'd want it. Perfect for holiday shopping or a gift for a loved one!!!

To enter all you need to do is:
1 entry: post a comment in the comment section with your name
AND Enter everyday for more chances to win!
2 extra entries: blog about this giveaway (and share the link in the comment section)
That easy

Last day to enter is: December 8th

Good luck everyone!!!!

(This giveaway is limited to only USA residents only, sorry).


  1. Super cute giveaway! I love the totebag pictured! :)


  2. I love giveaways that bring attention to a great cause, especially someone's dream of having a child! I would love to be entered in the contest, and I will do my best to spread the word! Happy Holiday's!

    -Mandy (mandyparsns at yahoo dot com)

  3. I Love Katie! She is my bloggy BFF (and someday a IRL bff too!). I love her crafts and I totally hope she gets her funding to come up with some project to help her...
    I'm so glad that you are doing this for her Kellz-you are the sweetest.

  4. Blogged giveaway!


  5. Thank you Thank You Thank You Kellie! You are the sweetest lady :) I am so honored to be a part of this giveaway on your blog!

  6. I love the bag. It's supercute!!!

  7. What a great giveaway! I've seen Katie's blog a few times and just love it!! What a great cause that this is going to!! Those totes are adorable!!


  8. Sabrina Ahmed
    I love crafts - and I find that your blog makes my heart happy. :)

  9. Such a cute giveaway!
    I'm deffinatly in!

    Marja <3

  10. Kel, you are the sweetest person and I'm glad to call you my friend :)

  11. I don't have a blogspot account but I do find myself on this blog often. This is such a sweet giveaway. I love the bag! :) xx


  12. I love giveaways and this blog is really amazing. The bag is absolutely adorable!

  13. I would really love to win the bag. I just think it is so cute! :) xxo


  14. I think tote bags are so versatile and useful - especially because I am a college student who loves to throw everything into one bag and head to class! :)


  15. Awesome giveaway! :)


  16. I hope I win this bag! :] So cuteee.


  17. love this tote esp since I live in Louisiana and this is so Mardi Gras! which will be here before we know it. ;)It's those King cakes that I am waiting on.

    Sue S.
    sunlite705 at aol


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