Tuesday, November 9, 2010

inspiration survey

I'm not entirely sure why, but I seem to have found myself in a inspiration funk. There are so many things I have on my to do list and so many more pretty projects I want to start on, but I can't get myself in the mood. Perhaps it's a lack of motivation, lack of time, or I've just lost my creative mojo (whoa 90's flashback.....do people still even use that term anymore?). So I've been taking a look into all my favorite places of inspiration...so here are mine (and then you you show me yours!!!) Fair trade I think. :)

Flickr favorites
weheartit.com favorites

and some super cute blogs that always manage to inspire me:
Leigh's blog (aka the bestie). she always manages to make me think. and her writing is beautiful and captivating.

alycia. because she always has something cute to share

jamie. because she always reminds me to stay hopeful. and she's always finding sweet things to share (like on her "spotted" posts)!

cuppy. because she is one of the sweetest gals out there. that plus her creativity make her and her blogs one of the best around. :)

becky. because her shop always has the most adorable items. one of each please??

charity. because she's just too darn cute, as are her posts and shop.

janel. because she's always creating and always making things pretty.

lindsay. because she's one of the sweetest gals you'll ever know (and it radiates on her blog).

birds of a feather. because there is constantly a diy project that i can't resist.

taza and husband. because never have you ever seen such a cute wife and mother-to-be.

green wedding shoes. because it's one the most most beautiful and creative wedding sites ever!

elsie flannigan. because she's always up to something new and magical.

how about orange. because its diy heaven.

eighteen25. because it is just all around beautiful.

Of course these are only a just a few sites I'm in love with and check daily....there are a ton more that continue to inspire me and I consider to be favorites. :)

Now...your turn. Share some of your favorite sites and/or blogs.



  1. Love Kaylah at daintysquid.blogspot.com

    Can't get enough of Mandi's inspiration at

    Ez's blog always has pretty things at

    Cheryl and some friends have created an amazing little inspiration spot at

    There is a compelation of absolute prettiness at

    there are lots of DIYs by Jess at

    and you are always welcome to stop by my little spot in the internet world to see all kinds of different posts at

    hope you enjoy these....just a select handful of the wonderful inspiration I follow along with!
    Have a lovely fall day!

  2. Aww, I love this!!! And YOU!!!! :) You make me smile!!!
    So honored to be on your inspiration list. I have something similar to post soon and you gave me just the little push I needed to get it done this week!
    Hope you have an awesome afternoon!!! xoxo

  3. Definitely my favorite right now is http://ruffledblog.com/ mostly because I'm getting married and trying to plan things, but also because everything is just so beautiful!!

  4. OH MY GOSH !!! *blush*

    You are so sweet & I love you to pieces !! Thank you for including me in such an amazing list of awesome ladies ♥

    My list also includes, Charity, Janel, Lindsay and YOU ♥

    Here's a few others I love :

    Kam - Campfire Chic.

    Jacque - A Quirky Girl's Thoughts.

    Beth - Deer Little Fawn.

    Rachele - The Nearsighted Owl.


    Cuppy loves Kellie 4-eva xoxox

  5. Just a few of the lovely ladies on my blogroll....

    Janel @ Run With Scissors www.iheartrunwithscissors.com
    Carol @ That Is Charming www.thatischarming.blogspot.com
    Lindsay @ Pixies & Bears
    Kaelah @ Little Chief Honeybee
    Trisha @ Mary Sew
    Jess @ How About Orange

    A few of these were on yours or others lists and I just had to include them! The rest are all amazing as well! Now I've got a lot of new blogs to check out! Thanks ladies!


  6. Kellie, you have an incredible ability to make me feel better. Love you!
    Thanks for including me.
    You're on my inspiration list because you're an awesome friend and beautiful person, and I mean it really truly. xoxox

  7. sometimes its not the inspiration! its the motivation. When the motivation comes the ideas flow. Trust me! Ive been in a funk for 3 weeks n just out of it :)

  8. We have so many of the same favorites! A couple that I really love but aren't yet on your list are:


    Both are very inspirational!

    I hope to one day be considered inspiration for someone. That is one of the highest compliments I can think of!

  9. hey! thanks for the blog-boost kel =) trying to keep up with mine

  10. thanks everyone who added their inspiration places!! i cant wait to check out the ones that are new to me. love yall so much!!!


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