Wednesday, December 1, 2010

25 things before december 25th

Some more advent ideas I found via

I'm a little jealous I didn't think of them first. ;)
This is by far one of my favorite times of the year. I love the Christmas season and all that it has to offer: lights, family time, presents, snow (or the thought of it), cinnamon smells, Christmas dinner (best meal after Thanksgiving), chilly evenings and fires in the fireplace, the music, sounds of bells, scarves and other winter attire, and some of my very favorite movies!

In order to take in all that I can this season, I decided to make a list of 25 things I want to do before Christmas day; hence, the advent idea. The beauty of how I created my advent calendar is that I can change around the to dos and dates....I like having a plan, but I love it even more when that plan can be flexible. :)
Okay, okay so my list of things I will accomplish before (or on)December 25th:
1- hang up christmas wreath
2- make my gift wish list
3- get out the christmas tree
4- go to a christmas party
5- break out the christmas music
6- decorate my apartment
7- get out my christmas bed linens
8- buy stocking stuffers
9- make a holiday garland
10- have a blog holiday giveaway
11- send christmas cards
12- decorate the youth room with the youth for christmas
13- make ornaments
14- donate money to the bell ringers outside stores
15- watch christmas vacation
16- get or buy firewood
17- have a fire in the fireplace
18- volunteer with others
19- watch a christmas story
20- try a new holiday food receipe
21- watch white christmas
22- finish holiday shopping (early)
23- bake goodies for gifts
24-pick out the perfect christmas eve outfit
25- got to christmas eve service
happy holidays,


  1. heya! I cant wait for christmas! My house is already filled up with lights! It looks so pretty!

    I was wondering if you would join in on my Christmas swap? It would be fun!

    Marja <3

  2. I love your list. I made a calender & wrote down Christmasy things to do with Tara. We started it today with a list to Santa.

  3. Love this!!! That first pic totally helped me with an idea!!!! Thank you!!! :) I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a countdown idea (yes, i realize it's December today, lol) and you just fixed my problem!!! Thank you, love!!! :)
    Happy December 1st to you!!!!!

  4. adorable! I just hung up my lights in the living room in the shape of a tree and wrapped my first present today! hooray, i love te holidays!

  5. Your list is soooo inspiring! I just want to copy it all! Wish I'd thought about doing this before Dec. 1! lol

  6. You are going to be one busy, but happy lady. December is the best isn't it?

    I used the 1st one you featured as my advent calendar inspiration for this year.

  7. You have christmas bed linen? Wow Kel, that is dedication :)

    your list is wonderful and full of merriment! x

  8. marja- what kind of swap???

    alyssa, ha. well in my defense, my mom bought be the sheets a couple years back.


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