Monday, December 6, 2010

5 loves on monday and a feature

Dear Monday,
I really, really was not ready for you today. I could have used another day.... Thanks for at least going easy on me...... so far

The weekly list of pretties:

1. these pendants. the shop that sells them has sooooo many incredible ones. one of each please santa?

2. a book you can create online. it's sucha fabulous idea!
learn where to do

3. these amazing coasters. such a great idea.
found here

4. these shirts. sooo me
found here
and found here
(perfect for my birthday......cinco de kellie!)

5. holiday diy projects
like this adorable doily garland found here

or this yarn ornament found here

and speaking of diy ideas...... i made one as a guest blog on my pal alycia's blog.... which you can find here

So go check out all the cuteness!!! And happy shopping.


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