Monday, December 13, 2010

5 loves on monday

In doing my Christmas shopping (mostly via I've stumbled upon some cute things. I love Christmas shopping, if nothing else, at least for window shopping. :)

1. snowflakes

found here

found here

found here
2. some sweet spins on some pretty Christmas music I found via rockstardiaries blog.

3. bow jewelry.

ring found here

4. these pretty clutches (just perfect for new years eve, right?)

5. this adorable pillow...because we all iknow how much i love letters and pen pals!
found here

and speaking of pen pals....if you have signed up but haven't gotten a list yet, don't fret I'm still working on the's just taken a bit longer to get groups together this round. There is plently more room in the Canadian only pen pal list though, so please please sign up if that's your country! :)



  1. The mail pillow is so cute. I can't wait for the pen pal list. I've been working on holiday cards for friends in the mean time to quench my thirst for snail mail.

  2. love the snowflake headband. :) All those things are really cute. Love finding things like this.

  3. that snowflake headband is class.. i love the pillow too :) i love looking at your wee finds :D


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