Monday, December 20, 2010

5 loves on monday

Oy- the last Monday before Christmas. Needless to say, I'm starting to get nervous (since I haven't finished up all my shopping and wrapping and crafting nor have I finished my Christmas cards. How is it that even when I try to start all this early, I still manage to be working on all of it right up to the day?
So as a sweet break here are some lovelies that have made me smile and also helped me get my butt into gear!

1 cookies.
okay, so maybe i can see where the extra pounds have come from....but i seriously have the biggest sweet tooth and my favorite (after cupcakes of course) are cookies (and cookies of all kinds!)

2. this adorable pillow from this shop

3. this beautiful watch that the boyfriend surprised me with for Christmas :)

4. these felt ornaments from this blog
and the diy (on the ornaments below) found here

5. and of my all time favorites!



  1. oh those biscuits are making me hungry! i hope you have the best Christmas Kellie, you deserve it!

  2. cute ornaments!!! i gotta go check out the diy!


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