Wednesday, December 1, 2010

dear santa

Dear Santa,
I've been good this year, I promise. Like Mother Theresa good....okay maybe that's exaggerating, but I swear I've been good. Good enough that I feel confident in asking for some really awesome things. I don't need them all, but one or two would be awesome!
the oh-so greedy

juicy couture perfume (viva la juicy)

this adorable ring, found here

this sweet cupcake ring, found here

this oh-so cute change purse, found here

a new one of these pretties:

(above dresses found at

or this one found at khols

or this vintage beauty, found here

some new shoes would also be maybe one of these???:

found here

found here

and maybe if you think i really deserve it, one of these cute bags:

found here

found here

found here

oh and maybe just one small little thing?? like one of these dreamy cozies???:

found here

found here

found here

found here

found here

PS. Don't worry readers, this is just my "if i were a rich gal" kind of christmas gift wishlist. A real one (that's more modest) will be posted soon. :)


  1. lol. I love the last one!! i tried to post a comment on your project you post but closed the window accidentally! Gutted...

    I always go around stores and add things to the cart that i would add to the wishlist really.. but i just pretend money is no object.. until i finished browsing and go to the cart and almost choke.. and *click* just close that incase i go mental and buy everything.. eventhough the price could buy a new car lol

  2. lol. I love the last one!! i tried to post a comment on your project you post but closed the window accidentally! Gutted... I always go around stores and add things to the cart that i would add to the wishlist really.. but i just pretend money is no object.. until i finished browsing and go to the cart and almost choke.. and *click* just close that incase i go mental and buy everything.. eventhough the price could buy a new car lol


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