Thursday, December 30, 2010

preparing early

Now that Christmas is over, it seems I'm starting to build up a wishlist....why do I always do this? I have "gift block" right before the holidays when my mom begs me for a christmas wishlist...but then after it's over I think of a million things I want/need.
Instead, I am saving a list now for upcoming holidays ( my birthday that's in like.....5 months). Hey, I'm just preparing ahead of schedule this time!!!!
I also don't know why, but I'll blame it on the awesome food blogs I've been reading lately, I REALLY want some kitchenware stuff.
So birthday's some stuff I was thinking know...when you get around to it. ;)

1.slow cooker
2. mixer
3.a new blender...yea somehow i killed the other one...go figure
4.pots with a strainer in the lid (cause how convenient is that?)
5.a kitchen knife set, cause the only knife i have to use in the kitchen is bent... cutting boards. i really want for poulty, one for veggies, etc.
Okay, well to save myself from looking too greedy (and too domestic) I'm stopping here.
Please tell me I'm NOT the only one that makes these mental lists after holdays. haha


  1. When birthday Santa brings you these goodies, tell him to bring me one of each too! ha! i didn't even know they made pots with strainers on the lid! How awesome! hehe Love it!
    Great list!!! I'm always making wish lists! Not just after the holidays, lol.

  2. I definitely make these lists too and get giftblock too!

    Lucky for me, I'm getting married next month so I've been making a registry all this time :D

  3. ooh i like that pot with the strainer in the lid.
    A lot of my kitchen stuff came from Goodwill, it's definitely worth a try.
    Some of the stuff i got there was brand new!


  4. That pot with a strainer in the lid is uh-mazing! I got this really cool kitchen tool for Christmas called the Ninja, it is a blender and food processer in one and it is awesome! It's wonderful! I hope the 'birthday santa' brings you everything you want! :)


  5. I do the same thing. I have the two cutting boards. I actually think I have three. Gosh I need to clean out my Kitchen cabinets. I really want that mixer just not for a holiday. Did you know they make a crockpot like that with locks on the side that you can take places? It's not digatal but it's nice if you go places with hot food.

  6. Kellie, go to Walmart and get a crockpot! I use mine all the time and it's amazing! It's the one item I wouldn't wait on. Plus, it's not that expensive! :) ....And then you can make dinner for me. ;)


  7. I always do that right before X-mas. Make a list of things I want to buy after X-mas. I've been wanting a stand mixer. We don't really have the counter space.

  8. Happy New Year dear friend! Have a fabulous 2011!
    xo, Persis.

  9. i love that food mixer!!
    Happy New year :D i have no space or money for new items haha! My priority is now clearing out!

  10. So awesome of you to post about all your happenings from 2010!! It was fun to look through! Cheers to a new year!



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