Sunday, January 30, 2011

5 loves on monday

Monday? Already? I feel like this weekend wasn't long enough....geesh.
Here is some eye candy for your Monday (hope it's a good one!)

1. i loooove this photo. such a good idea. (I actually saw it on janel's blog)

2. edible toppings for cakes and other such things.
adorable idea found at this shop

3. this cute and affordable pencil skirt, found at this shop.

4. this awesome home idea, yes please!

5. these cupcakes!!! holy smokes!

much love,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

regional dialect

I found some dialect videos that bloggers have been doing and I kinda decided to jump on the bandwagon, so Steven and I made one (even though I know he didn't exactly want to, but his Wisconsin accent is too cute).
Anywho here is our video and after, check out some more, like Kaelah and Mike's or Susannabean and Chris.

*Edit: wheelie-bin (as I talked about in the video) actually means the trash can on wheels (NOT a cart at the grocery store.) My apologies.

as of late

This week I am fighting off being sick, still writing tons of lessons (and trying to catch up on them), watching How I Met Your Mother from the very beginning, getting ready for my awesome friend coming into town, and just trying to soak it all in.
One of my students made me this drawing (he tried to copy a painting his mom has) and gave me the bookmark he made for a contest in class. He and I may butt heads a lot, but he's such a sweet kid (when he wants to be). In fact, all my students are great. We have power struggles every once and a while, but for the most part, they are the best and I love spending my weeks with them.

My awesome pal Erica and I also made a stop at Cammie Cakes this week. I love that place and their cupcakes are the best. I ended up settling for just the sweet potato and white chocolate macadamia, although I could've gone for one each!


Monday, January 24, 2011

student teaching update

I've been so bad about updating my blog lately....I feel like I just said this. Oh wait, I did.....
My life as of late has consisted of tons of lesson planning, perfecting my poker skills (thanks boyfriend!), catching up on movies, having some mom-daughter time, and trying to plan stuff for my youth group too. Life is hectic, that's for sure. I do enjoy all that's going on, although the lack of sleep and tons of germs has gotten me a bit sick. :( Eww.
Right now I'm starting on my third week of interning. It feels like it's been longer.... I also am now teaching both writing and social studies. I don't even want to count all the hours I've spent planning, haha. But the truth is, I am loving it. My directing teacher is amazing. She is so sweet and helpful and let's me teach how I want. She is a great model for me as well, I've already learned so much from her. The co-teacher (who is in another room and teaches math and science) is an awesome teacher as well, along with being a sweet lady. I feel so blessed. My students are also pretty good. We have 41 total and while there are some behavior issues at times, for the most part, they are a great bunch to work with! I really have been enjoying my time.
I also gotta share that this past weekend was great. I had a rough couple days Thursday and Friday, but things started to really looking up shortly after. I am truly blessed with some great friends and an amazing mom (who took me to lunch, get books at the library for my classes, and got pedis with me....all to celebrate 2 successful weeks of interning!!!)
I am so grateful for a great beginning in this new chapter and for such an amazing support system. And to all of you great blogger pals that read my blog and have sent me some sweet and thoughtful pick-me-ups and inspiring comments, THANK YOU!!! Yall rock. For real!

much love,

ps. sorry for the lack of pictures.....I will do my best to include more for my interning updates! :)

5 loves on monday

My Monday list of loves:

1. these beautiful cake pops. may i have a million please? thanks. (found here)

2. this awesome etsy print, found here

3. this pretty summer dress, found here

4. this oh so adorable plush doxie, found here

5. this sweet stack of vintage papers, found here


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

wednesday wishes

So, I'm finally getting somewhat back on track.....and I'm finally doing a Wednesday Wishes post.

Lately I've been wishing for.......

1. an ipad.
I never ever ever thought I would be one to want this. e\Even the name drives me crazy, but my directing teacher in my internship uses one in the classroom and it is a lifesaver and awesome addition to technology in the classroom. Today we used it to listen to a book on audio, while the students read along, to demonstrate a science concept, and to play music for the kids' active time.

2. okay, and I also want an iphone.
I feel like apple has taken over my mind. It's silly to admit, but I so badly want an iphone as well. I love that it has so many awesome apps (including scrabble) and I love that I can use it as a camera when need be, and I can have internet on me (again, another awesome thing for a teacher)....I just want one so badly.

3. some pretty shoes.
Gotta admit, I've also had my eyes on these pretty babies lately too. Although they would be mostly for fun (and not work) I haven't bought them.....but them more I look at them, the more I do want them!

What are you wishing for these days???


ps. if you signed up for a recent pen pal group and haven't gotten an email from me yet, don't worry.....i am still trying to catch up on those. please be patient, as i have recently changed schedules and am trying to get things back on track! much appreciated.