Thursday, January 27, 2011

regional dialect

I found some dialect videos that bloggers have been doing and I kinda decided to jump on the bandwagon, so Steven and I made one (even though I know he didn't exactly want to, but his Wisconsin accent is too cute).
Anywho here is our video and after, check out some more, like Kaelah and Mike's or Susannabean and Chris.

*Edit: wheelie-bin (as I talked about in the video) actually means the trash can on wheels (NOT a cart at the grocery store.) My apologies.


  1. oh my gosh, you're "startin'" to sound southern ;) ...i miss you!

  2. SO SO SO SO CUTE !!!!!

    Where did you find the questions you're answering?

    I should totally do this with my Boston accent!


  3. "Bye Buddy... hope ya find your dad!"
    You guys are cute. I'm gonna do mine with my boyfriend ASAP!

  4. So cute! I made minde like three weeks ago and still haven't posted it-i'm totally too scared!
    We have the same answer for everything other then 'pop' I never say soda.

  5. haha this made me LOL! For living in JVille you do sound a little southern! :)


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