Sunday, January 16, 2011

book review

This week I finished reading this book:

Plot: Life in Prague from a Jewish woman (who had lived through WWII, including escaping from Auschwitz) and her life during the Communist occupation.

My thoughts: I really enjoyed this book. So many focus on the War, but not that many describe life after the war. Since I took a couple study abroad classes a few summers back focused on the time after WWII and during the Communist occupation of East Europe I just had to read it! I really enjoyed this book. While it did jump back and forth a lot, which I found somewhat annoying, all in all the book was great. I highly recommend it!



  1. thats really interesting! Im reading sucking eggs.. a book about being thrifty.. is what its called but its more of an economics book about britain in world war 2. Its SO interesting! i discovered george orwells first wife wrote recipes for the ministry of food!

    I also have a book you should avoid at all costs - the Rose Labyrinth by titania someone. I was reading it to join a bookclub but its the worst book ive ever read in my whole life!

  2. I love that book! I prefer social history to big event history, and this book made me realize how meaningful it was for people in the satellite states that the Cold War immediately followed WWII. Life sucked heavily for Czechs for about a million years in a row.


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