Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello loves. I hope yall are having a great first week of 2011!
Right now, I'm enjoying cake and movies with the roommate while trying to get stuff accomplished.....turns out I thought I had seminars starting today....but instead they start Wednesday, meaning I have tomorrow and today off!!!! Woo!
So here's my first list of loves for 2011: Enjoy!

1. this sparkle washi tape....

found here

2. this awesome ornament (that i want for next year!!)

found here

3. these pretty earrings.....(seeing a theme yet haha)

found here

4. this cute, cute ring!!!

found here

5. sparkle dresses....perfect for nye.....Next year!!!!

found via google images


  1. Oh- I love shiny sparkly silver things. They are soo pretty. I die for that washi tape (I thought it was Duct Tape when I saw it on my dashboard!)

  2. I pretty much love all of this! Especially the ornament (love!!!) and the sparkle washi tape! Washi tape makes me smile. :)

  3. Ooh, hooray for all the festive sparkles!

  4. oooooh i had not seen SPARKLE washi tape before!! nice find!

    Enjoy your 2 days off :)

  5. oo sparkly!! my favourites are the earrings


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