Wednesday, January 12, 2011

pretty things

It feels so odd not to have blogged in several days, almost as if my schedule is off. This week has been a crazy one though. My first week of interning and it's been awesome (so far). There have been tons of meetings, grading, and even some teaching moments. My directing teacher is great and I look forward to this semester! I hope the rest of you that have also started interning have had great beginnings as well. In fact, fill me in on how it's been going!!! I would LOVE to hear!

Well, I am off to look at standards and students grades.... oy I hate you FCAT! But before I go, here are some pretty things that have caught my eye.
(oh and I plan on a BIG post later this week with everything about my new internship placement...stay tuned!)



  1. OMG! I am in love with that last picture! Where did you find it?

  2. all of these photos i found off of flickr....if you go to weheart it though, they are favorited there and you can trace it back to the original source


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