Wednesday, February 23, 2011

awesome sites

The past couple of days I've tried to spend more time online, checking blogs and looking up recipes, and along the way I found some pretty awesome sites that I thought I should share....hope you enjoy (and find something new and fun!)

If you're looking for a good cookie recipe...this might be the one for you. It takes a while, but I made them for valentines day and ....yum!!! Get the recipe here:

And these are what mine looked like....a little messy, but still good :)

I know it's a little bit past valentines day, but I found this cute DIY headband and just had to share.....get the how to here:

I love, love, love this cute harido and it seems that everyone in blog world is trying them lately....check out Danielle's blog for the how to and some cute blogger's versions here:

For some cute journaling (among other cute ideas) check out this awesome blog:

For some gorgeous shoes (ok....may this is a wedding shoe site.....) look here. You won't be sorry!

For an adorable couples photoshoot, check out this blog post. Toooooo cute!

For some awesome how-to for eye make-up, you've GOT to go here. And don't just stop after that one post, Courtney has tons of great eye make-up ideas for all looks and occasions!

For some more cuteness, try here:

For daily inspiration for wardrobe fashion, flickr finds, and etsy finds (and that's just to name a few) try this awesome blog:

Have any sites you wanna share? Put em below in the comment section!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi :) When I click on your links they all go to the same place :P
    p.s. I love your blog and I just sent you an email about the pen pals :)


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