Monday, April 4, 2011

weekend recap

This weekend was the last of my spring break, so I tried to use it wisely. With that being said I guess I should fess up to the fact that I spent a lot of it hanging out with friends, baking up a storm, had a joint garage and bake sale with friends, and tried really hard to catch up on schoolwork and lesson plans. Still though, an awesome weekend with some awesome friends. :)

Thursday Rod, Ashley and I went for some food, drinks, and catching up. :)

Friday and Saturday Jenn, Joe, Steven and I spent time preparing for our garage sale. And Jenn and I spent hours baking. I LOVED it. I tried a new recipe (chocolate muffins) and an old-ish one (cinnamon cookies).
There was way too much amazing food....brownies (2 kinds), cinnamon cookies (2 kinds), sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate muffins, strawberry cupcakes, chocolate cake, and carrot cake. YUM. My sister helped make some food too and we kinda snacked on the leftovers all day. But all went to an awesome cause!

My sister and her kiddos even came out to help. Gia loved the big dog the best. Too adorable.

Then of course I spent the rest of my time on schoolwork and lesson planning. I even got to enjoy the porch some while doing it. I love it out there now that I have redecorated it some.

Hope you had an awesome weekend too!
Now back to studying for Friday (HUGE exam) and listening to my roommates and friends play Call of Duty...oh the life. :)


  1. you are so amazing. i love that you had a bake sale/garage sale for Japan.
    what a lovely heart you have.

  2. oh wow, you are awesome. You have inspired me to do the same this weekend. =)

  3. That is a good looking bake sale. I hope you made lots of money


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