Wednesday, May 4, 2011

24 before 25

Since my birthday is drawing near, I started thinking about my to-dos and goals. Then I remembered that last year around this time, I made this list:

I'm almost ashamed of showing last years goals, because I achieved so few of them. (7 actually) But I decided to instead, make another one for this year and try harder to accomplish them all.
So this year's goal list:

Have yall ever made any of these? I'm a total list maker and feel in love with them when I first saw them mentioned here and here and here. I really suggest you make one too! And please share!

much love,


  1. Come on Kellie I think fishing should be the next youth outing. We have the bait but can't promise you will catch anything!! lol The pond at the church does have fish in it, but remember catch and release only. Pictures are acceptable.

  2. I also just made this list! I just turned 24 and I will finish this list! :) Love the blog girlie.


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