Sunday, June 12, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 2

Hi! I'm Brittni from With Love From Michigan. I'm so thrilled Kellie asked me share a list for her blog project. In 2007 I studied abroad at Oxford University in Oxford, England. It was an amazing life changing experience. If you get the chance to study abroad- GO! You won't regret it.


[ONE] The Brits are so polite compared to the typical American. As I was wandering lost with my suitcase, two people offered to help me. In America we'd probably rush by the confused tourist. I even had someone offer to carry my suitcase in the Underground.

[TWO] Chavs. Need I say more? Google it if you are uncertain. Hillarious.

Brasenose College, Oxford University

[THREE]We encountered a lot of eat-in taxes in the UK. Places like Starbucks will charge you a little extra to enjoy your beverage in the store. We were poor college kids so we just sat on the curb outside, instead.

[FOUR] Kebab Vans = delicious. These vans that sold Kebab sandwiches (your typical lamb euro type sandwich) pizza, and fries late at night. I could smell the food from my room. I caved. A lot.

[FIVE] They have maids. That's right. MAIDS. I bet all of the universities don't have this luxury, but I had my bed made, clothes folded and room cleaned every day. It was heavenly.

Broughton Castle Gardens

[SIX] Better Homes & Gardens has nothing on the English gardens. They really know their stuff.

[SEVEN] Likewise, they take their grass very seriously. At Brasenose you could only use the grass during certain hours of the day. Some areas, such as the one pictured above, were NEVER allowed to be used.

[EIGHT] They have delightful things that we don't have such as Prawn Cocktail chips and Mr. Juicy (pictured below). I can tell you that Mr. Juicy was certainly not "pure" orange juice! ;)

[NINE] Instead of saying "watch your step" they say "mind the gap" on the subway.

[TEN] British accents are the best. Hands down.


Thanks Kellie for having me post on your blog! :) xx, B

Thanks Brittni for the guest post!! I love, love, LOVE your list!!

So here's this week's list challenge.... What have YOU learned from a place you once visited? (Either another county or another state....or maybe even your own culture...)

The great thing about traveling (in my opinion) is seeing how others live, how their culture varies from ours, what foods are popular in their countries, what their daily outfits looks like, and how their sayings differ from ours. We can learn a lot from other cultures (or from even taking a closer look at our own).

PS. don't forget to check out the feature I did on Brittni's blog

EDIT: Link up here:


  1. A great list and I love the photo of the castle gardens!

    I have already done my list for today - a list of bridges that I have visited or traveled over. So I won't be posting a list about lessons learned while traveling. Maybe you could post the topic for the following week too so that we can work on it during the week? Just a thought.

    Happy listing! Ames :)

  2. Hi there Brittni! I've never been to England...or overseas, actually. But you certainly made England sound like a place I would like to travel to one day. How funny they seem to be about their grass...and having a daily maid? heaven is right!

    happy day!

  3. here's my take on the theme this week:

  4. Got me thinking about a couple of trips to other countries that I have done. Will see what I can come up with.

    Posting the topic ahead of time would be great too - then we can jump on board right away.

    Will there be a Mr Link this week for all of us to post too?

  5. No linky? Here is my post anyways.

  6. Oh...this is a hard one...I have 6/10 so far...hoping to post tomorrow with all 10.

  7. i'm a late bloomer, but i really wanted to join the list-making fun. so even though i had to cram 2 weeks into one post, i still linked up. thanks for the inspiration!

  8. I just popped over from random thoughts Do or Di, i will try to keep up with the lists, i loved my recent trip to London, their gardens are spectacular!

  9. I haven't managed 10, couldn't fit them on! Does that matter? Thanks for another great challenge :) Though now I wish I'd done mine like Sarah's, onto a map - that's awesome!

    PS I live in England, I can tell you that maid service is not standard lol!

    PPS It works to have the theme given on the Sunday, surely? We get the week following to work on it then? Works for me, anyway :)

  10. I've linked my two lists using the linking application. I see some people have done the same but some other haven't. Do we need to add a link everytime we add a list or will it too messy? Not sure if I should delete my second link.

  11. I have yet to meet these polite Brits you're talking about, although i'm sure they're out there! All i could think when you said "I even had someone offer to carry my suitcase in the Underground." was that they were probably going to steal it. x


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