Friday, June 17, 2011

never judge a book by it's movie

I just finished reading this book:

And I am currently watching this:

(the Swedish movie with subtitles)

One June goal down (To finish reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest). I have to was awesome! I loved it just as much (if not more) than the other 2 in the series.
Now, I'm sitting in my living room watching the Swedish movie version of the book. And yea, I'm totally one of those annoying people that points out every difference from the book and the movie.....which is why I'm watching this one on my own. haha There are a lot of differences in the two, but surprisingly the movie was well done (even with it's changes) and I am really enjoying it.

Has anyone else read the book or watched the Swedish movies??
(By the way, I am totally excited for the English release this December!!!)

Back to my movie. :)



  1. i watch the girl with the dragon tattoo after i had read the book. i was very disappointed. and i thought it was really creepy. they way the pictures would stare into the camera at the end of the scene. maybe it had to do with it being 3am and dark and quiet. yea. i have yet to read the hornets nest though :]

  2. I did! to be honest, this is the only time I've enjoyed a movie more than the book. I haaaated dragon tattoo... I feel like a freak for saying it! haha. but I enoyed the movie.

  3. I read them all then found out about the movies with the subtitles and watched. I hate subtitles but watched all three in one night because I loved the books. I wish the series could go on because I just love series books but things happen.

  4. Hi there...i read all three books and i LOVED them...fantastic. As for the movies ive not watched any of them and would rather not, as it would ruin the books for me if you know what i mean:)

  5. Hello I've read all three books and totally loved them! I'm not sure whether to watch the movies but I am sure I will at some point!

  6. haha I totally point out all the differences too! Luckily watched the sweed films with friends who'd also watched it. Found that pretty much everyone seemed older than I thought they were in the books. Agree they were really well made though. Caitlin x


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