Tuesday, July 5, 2011

guess who's back??

Dog-sitting for a week! Well, gotta go...he won't let me type...he keeps lying down on the keyboard or pushing my hand away from typing. Guess he needs attention.....such a boy. LOL



  1. what a sweet looking dog, hope you have fun!

  2. Meant to tell you the other day, if you are looking for book ideas...join GoodReads.com - it's fantastic. You connect with friends to see what they are reading & you can give/get reviews etc. I love it!!

  3. Ok, so I am TOTALLY not a dog person but Toast-seriously?! Best. Name. Ever. I love it! (and it doesn't hurt that puppy dog looks like a subdues dog!)

  4. he is an awesome dog!! his name is toast, because my neighbor found him as he was tumbling across the street and thought it was a bag...luckily he stopped to get the "bag" instead of just running it over. So his name is toast, because he almost was!


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