Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Harry Potter!!!!! Tonight!!

Yea, so I didn't use to care about Harry Potter (honestly I disliked it). But the other weekend Steven and I watched every single one in order to get ready for the last Harry Potter movie.
And now....... I'm hooked!
So a few things Potter to get you excited about the midnight opening of the very last one...tonight!!!

Speak parsel tongue. Seriously.

And some cute etsy finds:

this shirt, found here

HP head band found here

above found here

And these too cute photos from

I. can't. wait.


  1. I can't wait either :) I love the pictures when they were young! I watched all the movies last weekend too so excited!!!!

  2. I cant wait either. Sooo exciting!!

  3. Same here. I really can't wait. I'm going to see the movie on Monday... I'm excited and sad at the same time. The end is near.

    Thanks for sharing these pretty pics. These cupcakes are amazing. :)


  4. Can't wait to see the final movie, and now i really want to read the books.
    I love the hair band!
    It amazes me how much their have grown over the past 10 years, and it seems like only yesterday that i was watching the first movie..


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