Monday, August 22, 2011

5 loves on monday

Another Monday...another awesome Monday. Today I started my new(est) job at a local private school (yay for a foot in the door!)
That being said, I have so many things I'm loving right here goes my weekly list!

1. twix caramel brownies. yum. found here

2. this oh-so-true photo, found here

3. this recipe for banana split bites..... found here

4. this beautiful photo...just another reason I want to visit Greece, found here

5. an AWESOME site where you can swap almost anything.... homemade craft time anyone?
My blog pal Court has talked about this site and I can't wait to try it myself.



  1. those brownies seriously look wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I've been on swapbot for a few years..I've come across some spiffy people on there and it's a great outlet for creativity :D

  3. I love swap-bot! My username is wevegotpaper :)


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