Monday, August 29, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 13

List of the week:
Things I love about my job.
(whether your job is a teacher, lawyer, mother, daughter, sister, student, etc......)

My lists (yes...lists):

Things I love about Forever 21:
the music they play
the clothes I get to sell
some of the awesome co-workers I have
a discount (even though it's not too much)
the fashion inspiration I get from working there
the shorter hours
that I get paid to do something that's kinda fun for me

Things I love about working at a local private school:
my co-workers
the kidos I get to spend my days with
the hours
waking up late
spending mornings with little ones (pre-k) and the afternoons with the big ones (4-6th)
the school
the possibilities that could come with it (possible awesome teaching job)
the pay
the actual work

What's on your list(s)???
Don't forget to add your list to our flickr group and link up!!

1 comment:

  1. Discover how 1,000's of individuals like YOU are earning their LIVING from home and are living their dreams right NOW.


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