Friday, August 5, 2011

fashion friday/// week 1

Honest confession?
I am kind of nervous about my new job. (I start Thursday). I know it's silly to be nervous, it's only a seasonal retail job, but for the first time in a job I feel like my look will be a huge factor. I love fashion, don't get me wrong, I just feel like I come up short in it at times. Therefore, I am starting a new feature on my 'ole blog to help store show some creative fashion inspirations in hopes of furthering my style eye. Hopefully you'll enjoy the posts as much as I enjoy finding the sources.
And please feel free to leave me comments listing fashion inspirations that you enjoy too!

And now....... the first week of fashion friday!!!!

First is: my style pill
Her looks are so cute and honestly, she puts together clothing items that I would never have dreamed of, but they work so well! Here are some of my favorites of her looks....

Second is: k is for kani
This gal has the most adorable look! Plus, that yellow sweater?? Love it!! Some of my favorite looks of hers....



  1. Too cute! And don't worry! You will look amazing! :)

  2. oh my goodness, i want that yellow sweater!! good luck at your new job :)



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