Tuesday, August 2, 2011

tuesday song love (breakin' up)

okay, so i LOVE rilo kiley! and this song is cute, plus this video is adorable!!
and dont worry-it has nothing to do with anything going on in my life (aka steven and i are great!)


  1. oh my god, that video is hilarious!!! 2:54 and 3:48 are the highlights, i have classes until 8pm starting in 30 minutes so this baasically made my day haha

  2. I love this video too! Rilo Kiley is so awesome!

  3. Thank you for the sweet words on my blog!
    And I concur, Rilo Kiley was such a wonderful band.

    Happy Tuesday!

  4. New follower! :-) Over from 20sb!
    Hope you have time to check my blog out too!


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