Monday, September 5, 2011

5 loves on monday

Happy Labor Day weekend!! I'm so glad I had a 4 day weekend (okay, the first 2 days I was sick) but at least I got to enjoy the time off with friends and finally feel better.
Another thing making me smile? The things on my monday list. **swoon**

1. this adorable necklace made by my friend Charity. not only is this pretty on sale, but everything in her shop hurry on over!!!

2. this ultra cute ring, found at this shop

3. this diy for making glitter tape. yes please

4. this site. no words can explain it's just go check it out:

5. this diy for a notebook. seriously adorable and i want one soooo badly



  1. Thanks Kellie! I seriously want that book ring. Omgoodness too cute. Are you still doing the lists????? I haven't seen the post in a few weeks but maybe I just missed it.

  2. Thanks for including my book ring, happy it made you smile! You have a lovely blog :)

    xo Alejandra


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