Sunday, September 18, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 16

As if you didn't already know this, I love making lists. I make at least one list everyday..... what I need to do that day, what I need to do the next day, what I need to buy from the store, what I need to talk to other people about, what I want to do today if I get extra time, what crafts I still have to work on, which friends I need to catch up with, what drinks at Starbucks I need (yes need) to try. My life is completely made of lists and I love it. It keeps me on track, it reminds me of my priorities and it gives me something to look forward to. One of my most made lists is my to do list. Not the today I must do _____. Instead, it's a what I need to accomplish sometime soon list. I started thinking about what was on this list last night and decided that this would be a perfect place to post it. I also am always curious as to what is on other people's lists like this.
So without further adieu....

List # 16:
"My life to do list (to be completed within the near future)."

- find curtains for the bedroom
-prepare the guest room for the new roomie
-clean my clutter
-finish my steven and kellie mini book
- finish Lost series
-finish Gossip Girl series
-make a special gift for my mom and step-dad
-start decorating for Fall
- hook up our blue ray player
-get my finances in order

Your turn!!!!!
And don't forget to link up and put your post on our flickr group!!

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