Sunday, September 25, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 17

Maybe I am the only one, but sometimes it's really hard to stay creative and inspired. I hate reaching that point though, so I have tried to find ways of getting out of my uninspired funk. I even made a list of things to do/see/watch to help myself stay inspired, and figured sharing what I've come up with and what other creative souls have created would be an awesome list to share. Plus, I really wanna know what yall do!! So this week's list:

List 17: Ways to stay creative and inspired.

- visit inspirational blogs you already follow
- try to go outside your normal blogsphere and find new inspirational blogs to read as well
- try sites like,,, or
- if you have a smart phone, look around at some inspiring apps, like instagram or twitter
- make lists of things you love, want to try, inspire you, etc.
- keep a binder full of clippings, pictures, etc from magazines or other sources that inspire you and go back to them for creativity
- explore new music (or favorite tunes) that get you in the mood to create
- watch fun and colorful movies that get your mind thinking in a different way (I tend to watch Marie Antoinette or Across the Universe)
- craft with your friends and try to get some inspiration from them
- go window shopping and see what catches your eye and figure out a way to let it inspire you

Others' lists:

(love the first one on the list!!)
found on

found at

Elsie's list found here.

Oh and watch the video found on this blog post as well:

Now it's your turn. And I seriously can't wait to see what yall's lists say!!
Don't forget to link up your blog posts and/or add your lists to our flickr group!


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