Friday, October 21, 2011

fashion friday/// week 10

More fashion favorites!!!:

Blogger: fashionsalade/mellowmayoness
A very cute and classic look with a twist. This lady has the best clothes!

Blogger: bleubird vintage
Not gonna lie, I love Miss James' blog and style. In fact, her blog is a daily read of mine. Her shop is also to die for with all of it's vintage loveliness. There's not one thing bad I could say about this stylish lady, I only wish I could shop her closet. haha


1 comment:

  1. Cute post! I love the rainbow shirt, the green dress, and the cute little shoes paired with the green dress - those look like the ones I've been lusting after from ModCloth for awhile! I definitely want to wear lots of cute dresses this Fall!


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