Friday, September 16, 2011

i heart fall (time to start journaling)

Last year I participated in the lovely Janel's Fall journaling class. (So much fun I must say) and this year I decided to kinda try it again (on my own). My schedule has been so crazy hectic that I know trying to keep on a schedule just won't work, so I put together this little minibook (repurposed from an old encyclopedia, random odds and ends, and scrapbooking papers). I really like how it turned out and I can't wait to start journaling about my favorite season!!!!

I know that Autumn doesn't "offically" start until Spetember 22/23, but I can't wait that long. My favorite season is almost here and I just wish it would hurry it's butt up already. I'm excited to start decorating, pick out pumpkins to carve, have my first pumpkin spice latte of the Fall, the chilly weather to arrive, and Halloween candy to eat.

What is it about Autumn you love???


p.s. last fall (during the month of October) I posted something Fallish everyday on here.....this year I think I'm going to be even more ridiculous and post every day during fall. pinterest has seriously given me some amazing inspirational ideas and i honestly just want to get pumped up as much as i can for this season.
hope you'll come back to visit and see all the fall awesomeness!!!!!


  1. I love autumn because it's my parents' wedding anniversary. Very pathetic of me! x

  2. how funny, i just made a blog post about journaling today, too! i just find it so much easier to write in the fall..

    fall brings so many awesome things. halloween is my FAVORITE holiday, and i am already dying of excitement for it. i also love my pumpkin spice lattes on crisp mornings, burning candles, and baking!!


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