Tuesday, November 1, 2011

hello there november

Dear November,
Just so you know, October was full and pretty awesome (minus a few things....). Besides one of my favorite holidays (Halloween), I also got my splint off, made an attempt at some pretty awesome treats (found from pinterest), got a new roommate, started working at the law office again, biked some, spent tons of time with awesome friends, crafted, and Steven and I had our first picnic. Of course, some not so great stuff happened, like my step-dad going to the hospital and our firm separating (which turned out to be a great thing for most, just not all).
So you better be awesome, because October is gonna be a bit hard to follow. Although, you will be the month where Steven's mom gets remarried (and I finally get to meet his sister), and I get to go home to Pensacola for Thanksgiving!!!
Just pretty please be an awesome month from start to finish.
xoxo kellz

And some photos from the last day of October (and one of my favorite holidays....oops did I already mention that??)

dressed for work

can you guess what I was for halloween???
(slumber party)
a girl from work gave me the idea. cute eh?

Hope you had a fabulous Halloween too!




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