Wednesday, November 9, 2011

remember that time I broke my finger?

It was only 2-ish months ago...
But now I have to get physical therapy for it. (Go ahead and laugh, I did). I'm sure it's just another way to get more money from worker's comp.
Anyway, I decided to go down memory lane. Bare with me here, this is the first time I've ever broken anything and I figured I should commemorate it with a little photo montage. Besides, if you know anything about me at all, you know that I'm obsessed with taking photos and therefore any excuse will suffice.
So enjoy the short trip down memory lane. And don't forget to laugh....

* Not entirely sure if I was allowed to take this last picture, but they left me alone in a room with it yea. And besides, I wanted to show that it's all healed now! Plus, the x-rays were the best. I heard way too many "Okay, face your finger like you're giving me the bird." You always want to flick off the doctors office, but how many times can you do it and get away with it?? ( I did 4 times!)



  1. I can relate to the middle finger injury. I had to get stitches and everyone wanted to see and it was funny when I held that finger up and was unintentionally flipping them off.

  2. Wow, that is so crazy that I cut the same finger~ It is still not working right so I am constantly flipping people off :) Oh well~ All in good fun!
    Miss you!! :)
    Thanks for the email!

  3. I can relate to the middle finger injury. I had to get stitches and everyone wanted to see and it was funny when I held that finger up and was unintentionally flipping them off.


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