Wednesday, November 23, 2011

thanksgiving crafts & treats

When I'm not working at the law office (yes, again), I get to work with kids. Pretty amazing, since that's what i actually went to school for.
Yesterday was a half day at our school so in the afternoon I got to hang out with some pretty awesome 2nd and 3rd grade girls. Normally it's not the age range I work with, but yesterday it turned out perfectly because I had tons of crafts and treats I wanted to do with the kids and they turned out to be my perfect audience!

Our crafts:

the tutorial for our turkeys above was found here (and also pinterest)

we also played som Thanksgiving bingo (with candy and cookies as if they needed more sugar). The game was created by some awesome craft ladies, and you can find it on their blog. (I stumbled on it from pinterest too).

Then, before oure movie, we made these adorable acorn cookies. The kids were skeptical of making cookies at first, but once they realized there was no baking and it involved hersey kisses, they were totally up for it. They made tons too! The how-to was found on this lovely lady's blog (and you can add the pin to your pinterest from here too).

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


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