Monday, December 19, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks/ list 29

I've been listening to a lot of Christmas music lately. A lot.

One thing that strikes me as odd (and if you have a good explanation, please let me hear it!), but Julie Andrew's song "My Favorite Things" keeps playing. Yes, I love The Sound of Music (probably a little too much) and yes it's a cutesy song, but why is it played this time of year masquerading as a Christmas song?

Although, I guess I should be somewhat thankful for it, since it inspired this week's list....

List 29: My (current) favorite things.

-red essie nail polish (yes i have jumped on the bandwagon and spent way too much money on nailpolish that is absolutely amazing

-haystack treats made by my aunt

-my christmas sock monkey from my bestie

-forehead kisses from Steven

-shopping dates with my mom

-white chocolate raspberry mochas from sbux

- reading some of my favorite all time blogs like this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one.

-and finding new and awesome blogs to read like this one and this one.

-the book Eat Pray Love (which I just finished and loved)!

-preparing for Christmas with advent ideas- like building a gingerbread house (picures to come)

-movie/pizza nights at home in bed

-white roses (the only kind i like)

-christmas songs (old and new)

-dinner and shopping dates with girl friends (like Jenn)


Link up here


  1. Such a cute sock monkey!! My sister loves those! Im looking forward into getting my peppermint hot chocolate today!

    Hope you have a magical Christmas!

    Marja <3

  2. The link takes you to


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