Sunday, December 25, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 30

Merry Christmas (to all of you that celebrate)!

Christmas is such a special time for me. For awhile it was really hard to fully enjoy the holidays after my dad passed, but in the past couple of years it's gotten easier. It's now a time I once again love and try to cherish every minute of.

So for today's list. Whether or not you celebrate this holiday, today is a special day. Because we are alive and we have so many things to be thankful for. So take today and make a list of all the memories in the making. What is making you happy? What is going on? Who are you spending the day with? What are you thankful for? List out all/any of these things and keep them close to always remind you of what you have and what today meant to you.

I'll be back with my list soon.

Much love,

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