Monday, January 9, 2012


This year, one of my many goals was to read at least 15 books. The first book to add to that list, is Committed. Last year, I read Eat, Pray, Love (same author) which I totally fell in love with. The same friend that lent me that book also let me borrow this one, so I happily set forth in doing so.

Now here's the truth (my truth) about the book.....Perhaps I had grand expectations for it since the first was so good (and I therefore assumed the follow up would be close if not better), but my expectations fell flat. Although I did get some good lessons and laughs from this book, it won't exactly go down as one of my favorites.

However, here are some awesome parts of the book that I did enjoy. And don't worry- no spoilers.....

1. The name. My sister and I had a good laugh over this. Perhaps Elizabeth Gilbert meant to do this (if you read this book, or even the summary, you'll know that she's not the fondest of the insutuion). However, my sister and I did enjoy the play on words.

2. Some of her facts and quotes were awesome. My favorite: "Plant an expectation, reap a dissapointment". Not to say you should never have expectations, but rather you should be careful what they are. Afterall, people are people, not our Savior, not our end-all-be-alls.

I agree.

And after looking up some photos, I stumbled upon this.....

Elizabeth Gilbert and her hubby, themselves.
Too cute.

Has anyone else read this book? If so, I'd honestly love to hear your opinion!




  1. i didnt know she came out with that book.. i have to read it!

  2. i'm finishing university tomorrow and my mum bought this book so it'll be the first on my list, she also said it was dissapointing but i'll read it anyway haha. She also have The Kite Runner and everyone seem to love it! 2nd on my list

  3. I liked it because I had just gotten married so I was really into her story and all the history that she talked about.

  4. I am listening to it on my ipod ~ I like it more than I thought I would so far. Only about 4-5 chapters in. It is fun to see them in real life~ Different than the actors! :)

  5. I admit it fell flat for me too after Eat Pray Love felt so cathartic...I think my expectations were too high. :)

  6. i haven't read her books yet but i bet she's a good writer..because i love the movie eat pray love.. i'll look for this one!thanks for sharing!


  7. I just read the book last week when i was on a weekend away (well, on the plane trip up and back from said weekend away)
    I really enjoyed the beginning of the book - the history of marriage in different cultures through the ages etc, but then I felt that the book got a little lost & confused.
    for the most part it was pretty enjoyable though :)
    and love that picture you found of them! so cute!
    Cheray x

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