Sunday, February 12, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks// week 37


listening: to the history channel
eating: just finished eating some blueberries and snow caps (weirdest combo i know)
drinking: water
wearing: my new "monster german weiner"shirt from european street, target sweater and pj pants (cause my jeans are drying)

feeling: rested. content.
weather: cold!!!!!
wanting: a puppy. like really bad!!
needing: to get dinner ready soon.
thinking: about baby shower planning
enjoying: time with my favorite guy. and soon with one of my good friends

It's a short list, but a fun one this week (aren't they all though)? That is if you are addicted/obsessed with lists like I am.

You're turn!

PS- check out my pinterest list board!



  1. I was just thinking about doing this exact list, found it on Pinterest!

    Happy Sunday!


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